Residence rights of non-EU nationals: EU legislation and related documents
Highly Skilled Migrants (Blue Card I)
Directive 2009/50 (Blue Card I) OJ 2009 L 155/17: On conditions of entry and residence of TCNs for the purposes of highly qualified employment (implementation date 19 June 2011)
Family Reunification
Directive 2003/86 OJ 2003 L 251/12: On the right of Family Reunification (implementation date 3 October 2005)
COM(2014) 210, 3 April 2014: On guidance for application of Directive 2003/86/EC on the right to family reunification
Intra-Corporate Transferees
Directive 2014/66 OJ 2014 L 157/1: On conditions of entry and residence of TCNs in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer (implementation date 29 November 2016)
Long-Term Residents
Directive 2003/109 OJ 2004 L 16/44: Concerning the status of TCNs who are long-term residents (implementation date 23 Jan. 2006)
Directive 2011/51 OJ 2011 L 132/1 (April 2011): Long-Term Resident status for refugees and persons with subsidiary protection (implementation date 20 May 2013)
Researchers and Students
Directive 2016/801 OJ 2016 L 132/21: On the conditions of entry and residence of Third-Country Nationals for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes, educational projects and au pairing (implementation date 24 May 2018)
Seasonal Workers
Directive 2014/36 OJ 2014 L 94/375: On the conditions of entry and residence of TCNs for the purposes of seasonal employment (30 September 2016)
Single Permit
Directive 2011/98 OJ 2011 L 343/1: Single Application Procedure: for a single permit for TCNs to reside and work in the territory of a Member State and on a common set of rights for third-country workers legally residing in a Member State S implementation date (implementation date 25 December 2013)
Integration of non-EU nationals
Communication from the Commission COM (2016) 377 final: Action Plan on the integration of third country nationals (7 June 2016)